Support the Wildlife Movement Through Partnerships Act | National Parks Conservation Association
National Parks Conservation Association

Support the Wildlife Movement Through Partnerships Act

National parks and their adjacent lands provide some of the best and last remaining habitats for many species. Whether it's migrating to seasonal habitats or simply moving beyond park borders in search of food or mates, species need the ability to move across broader park landscapes to maintain healthy park wildlife populations.

States, Tribes, private landowners, community members and federal agencies are working together in park landscapes across the country to conserve and restore wildlife corridors and movement areas. Through mapping movement areas, voluntarily altering or removing livestock fences, and providing safe passage along roads, this work is ensuring wildlife populations are conserved for future generations.

Good work is already happening in park landscapes across the country – but there is much more that can be done. Urge your member of Congress to support the Wildlife Movement Through Partnerships Act.

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Animals frequently travel and migrate within and outside of park boundaries, and this legislation provides critical and innovative solutions towards their long-term conservation. Tell your member of Congress to support this opportunity to help land managers work better together.

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Washington, DC 20001-3723 | 800.NAT.PARK